Stage Race Nutrition

A class on proper fueling and hydration to perform
your best throughout the week.

Join me for a zoom presentation exclusively covering Nutrition for Stage Races.

Two Classes

  • Pisgah Stage Race

    Pisgah Stage Race March 11th 2024 7:30 EST

  • Trans-Sylvania Mountain Bike

    TSE MTB Stage Race May 6th 2024 7:30 EST

 The Presentation

We will discuss how to properly fuel to perform your best throughout the entire week. The presentation will be approximately 45min with time for Q&A at the end.

We will cover:

  1. Nutrition before each stage

  2. Fueling during the stages

  3. Recovery nutrition

  4. Hydration

  5. And more!

The cost to register is $40.

Pay through Paypal @

Use the form below to register.

Select which class you would like to attend from the drop down menu.

Once payment is received, you will receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link.

*Can’t make it but would really like to attend? If you register the presentation will be recorded and sent to you afterwards.